Nashville, Tenn.[essee], May 16th, 1865

Dear Father,

Yesterday I rec[eive]d your letter of the 11th instr.[sic]

Fortunately my Bos was not on the Express train that was robbed near Cinn[cinnati] and I have the articles O.K. The weather has been quite hot for the last few days. We have been enjoying ourselves on Strawberries the last few weeks though they are quite high priced. The town is filled with Rebel-Soldiers returning from the South. A more ragged dirty miserable looking set would be hard to find. They seem [author "x'd" out eh -ed] pleased to be at liberty to return to their homes and consider the war at an end. One I saw was a young man I knew in Memphis. He had been captured about two years ago by the Rebs on a train going to Chattanooga, after being kept in Prison at Americus G. [?] he escaped but was recaptured and forced into their ranks. He says some of the Country people think the Yankees are fighting with the French and that the North and South are at peace again. I suppose Harrisburg will look quite dull, so many Officers and Soldiers leaving. I will try and write to Aunt Spangler today. Give my respects to all the family and friends.

Write soon

Yours most truly
Hamilton Alricks Jr


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